ESMR Wireless Networks
SMR networks are among the oldest implementations of radio networks for voice and data dispatch applications. However, these networks use old analog technology & consequently do not use the frequency band as efficiently when compared to other technologies.

Though numerous in number, SMRs have very small capacity, as measured by the number of channels and mobile users supported. SMRs also concentrate primarily on voice instead of data. Enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR) networks are essentially SMR networks that operate in the same frequency band, but with enhanced capabilities which address the shortcomings of SMRs. ESMRs, differ from SMRs in the following ways:
  • ESMRs use more advanced digital technology.
  • ESMRs use cellular techniques such as channel reuse.
  • ESMRs have wider geographical coverage, ESMRs are regional and even national.

Enhanced SMRs are only now emerging in the U.S. as a result of a recently adopted policy of the FCC to encourage consolidation and the establishment of regional and even national SMRs that can use the scarce spectrums in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands. (Most ESMRs use the new SMR spectrum allocation in the 900-MHz band).

As a result of FCC’s policy, FleetCall© aggregated assets of taxi companies, construction companies and others in similar businesses and started a digital wireless network named Nextel©.